Attila Grandpierre, Jia Weilie 2025, The Future of Sustainability (to appear soon)

Sustainability requires a scientifically based and fundamentally comprehensive definition of the basic type of dominant worldview. The holistic worldview identifies the connection to the universal causal order of nature as the primary goal of sustainability – regeneration, the flourishing of life, the harmonious balance between private and common property relations, and the effective, long-term security system of this balance. More than ten scientific disciplines related to the nature of life and the universe have independently verified the validity of the comprehensive life principle throughout the universe, derived from Ervin Bauer’s universal principle of biology which is the source and guiding principle of all natural feelings and thoughts. Comprehensive science embraces the entirety of natural reality, covering the worlds of matter, soul and intellect alike. On this basis it becomes possible to illuminate what comprehensive happiness is – at the individual level it is the quality of a happy and meaningful life; at the societal level it is the common good; and for the ecological environment it is flourishing. In Part 7 of our book I formulate the comprehensive metric for ecological development.